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Items 0 - 0 of 25
- Vinyl Figure, Collectible
CollectiblesList Price: $65.00Price: $52.79You Save: $12.21 (19%)
- Collectible, Plush
- APPA HAS FLOWN HIS WAY BACK INTO YOUTOOZ SO YOU CAN BURY YOUR HEAD INTO HIS SOFT FUR AND TAKE THE BEST NAP OF YOUR LIFE!:Lying down at 12 inches long with a calm face and relaxed eyes sitting above... more
CollectiblesPrice: $34.99
- Collectible, Plush
- MOMO GLIDED HIS WAY BACK INTO YOUTOOZ TO KEEP A CLOSE EYE ON THE NEXT AVATAR, YOU!!:Sitting at 6 inches tall with a pair of glistening green eyes that shine from his brown face, a pair of long ears... more
CollectiblesPrice: $29.99
- Collectible, Vinyl Figure
- NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, NO MATTER HOW CRAZY THINGS GET, I'LL ALWAYS TRY TO RESTORE BALANCE.:Korra stands at 4.9 inches, showcasing a determined smile on her face. Her ponytail and clothes sway... more
CollectiblesPrice: $29.99
- Collectible, Vinyl Figure
- I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO SEE WHAT THE SPIRIT WORLD IS LIKE.:Asami makes her introduction to Youtooz, standing at 4.7 inches and as confident as ever. |Her dark black hair is styled in a lose, wavy look... more
CollectiblesPrice: $29.99
- Collectible, Vinyl Figure
- I AM TOO YOUNG TO LIVE THROUGH 10,000 YEARS OF DARKNESS!:Bolin is sculpted at 4.4 inches, kneeling on his right knee with his left leg forward. He is seen showing a very charismatic smile as he is... more
CollectiblesPrice: $29.99
- Collectible, Vinyl Figure
- I DON'T HAVE TIME TO ARGUE! I'M DOING THIS SO GET OUT OF HERE!:Mako stands at 4.8 inches, determined to do whatever it takes to win. He is dressed in gray and black clothing, with elements of red... more
CollectiblesPrice: $29.99
- Collectible, Vinyl Figure
- PABU, THE MISCHIEVOUS YET DEPENDABLE PAL OF BOLIN, SITS AT 3.2 INCHES WITH A SOFT AND FRIENDLY SMILE ON HIS FACE.:His head tilts a little to the left as he schemes his next prank. He is fitted in a... more
CollectiblesPrice: $29.99
- Collectible, Vinyl Figure
- IT LOOKS JUST LIKE HIM TO ME!:Thank you! I worked really - why do you feel the need to do that? |Clever, powerful, and sassy as ever, earthbending master Toph takes a powerful battle stance at 4.3... more
CollectiblesPrice: $29.99
- Collectible, Vinyl Figure
- THAT LEMUR!HES EARTH BENDING!:Momo sits crouched at 3.4 inches, snacking on a moon peach that he holds in his paws. His long white ears extend high above his head, moulded with tuffs on the base and... more
CollectiblesPrice: $29.99
- Collectible, Vinyl Figure
- THE YOUNGEST KNOWN AVATAR TO BE TOLD OF HIS STATUS.:Floating at 4.8 inches, Aang has reached his Avatar state. With his arrow and eyes a light blue, he is fully focused to bend any element. The... more
CollectiblesPrice: $29.99
- Collectible, Vinyl Figure
- MY OWN MOTHER THOUGHT I WAS A MONSTER. SHE WAS RIGHT, OF COURSE.:Standing at 4.9 inches, Azula makes her arrival at Youtooz. Dressed in her Fire Nation uniform, she is seen showing off her ability to... more
CollectiblesPrice: $29.99
- Collectible, Plush
- AANG PLUSH 9":Ready for some energybending, Aang sits at 9 inches tall, clad in his classic yellow and orange robes and brown boots, arms hanging by his sides. He flashes a beaming smile, showing off... more
CollectiblesPrice: $29.99
- Collectible, Plush
- THE CUDDLY GIANT APPA RETURNS TO YOUTOOZ, THIS TIME IN LONG BOI 1FT PLUSH FORM.:Appa rests on his stomach, eyes peacefully closed. Two soft brown horns stick out above his two fluffy round ears. Six... more
CollectiblesPrice: $34.99
- Collectible, Plush
- TOPH PLUSH 9":Earthbending master Toph sits at 9 inches tall, embroidered in a long green, yellow, and white tunic. She has been embroidered with piercing light blue Youtooz eyes. Her striking black... more
CollectiblesPrice: $29.99
- Collectible, Plush
- THE BEST GIRL RETURNS TO YOUTOOZ IN THE SOFTEST, SQUISHIEST AND MOST CUDDLY FORM, A PLUSH!:Sitting at 9 inches tall, the brown, blue and white harness resting on her back is secured across her front... more
CollectiblesPrice: $29.99
- Collectible, Plush
- AYO?? APPA COMING OUT LOOKING THIS FLY WHILE HE'S JUST STANDING THERE??? SHEESH.:Standing at 12 inches long, Appa uses all 6 of his paws to chill for a lil bit before take off with Aang to their next... more
CollectiblesPrice: $34.99
- Collectible, Vinyl Figure
- I'M A WARRIOR, BUT I'M A GIRL, TOO.:As fierce as ever, Suki arrives to Youtooz! Standing at 4.4 inches, she has a determined smile on her face. She is dressed in the Earth Kingdom uniform which... more
CollectiblesPrice: $29.99
- Collectible, Vinyl Figure
- STANDING AT 4.8 INCHES, THE BLUE SPIRIT ARRIVES AT YOUTOOZ.:He is dressed with a long sleeved brown shirt and matching pants. Both of his arms are posed in a defensive stance as they both wield sharp... more
CollectiblesPrice: $29.99
- Collectible, Vinyl Figure
- APPA RETURNS AND MEANS BUSINESS!:Standing at 4.1 inches, Appa is ready to fight and, undoubtedly, win. He wears a serious expression on his face, with a grimace on his face that bares all of his... more
CollectiblesPrice: $29.99
- Collectible, Plush
- APPAS BACK AND HES FLOWN ALL THE WAY TO YOUTOOZ TO PERCH ON YOUR SHOULDER AS THE ULTIMATE COMPANION!:Laying flopped out at 6 inches long with the cutest smiling face and cheerful eyes sitting above... more
CollectiblesPrice: $29.99
- Collectible, Plush
- MOMO IS READY TO 'STICK AROUND' HAVING BEEN TURNED INTO A 6 INCH MAGNETIC STICKIE!:Lodged in a fresh juicy cactus that has been cut at the top, Momo peeks out cutely with his two tiny hands curling... more
CollectiblesPrice: $29.99
- Collectible, Plush
- MOMO'S HERE AND READY TO HANG OUT AS THE CUTEST 6 INCH MAGNETIC STICKIE!:Sitting with a tiny grin on his dark face, his huge ears are a cute contrast to his small body, with it's feet kicked forward... more
CollectiblesPrice: $29.99
- Collectible, Plush
- APPA IS BACK AT YOUTOOZ TO BE TURNED INTO A 6 INCH MAGNETIC STICKIE!:A world-wide fan favorite character, Appa, looks as cute as ever with the happiest smile on his face. With a fluffy creme body and... more
CollectiblesPrice: $29.99
- Collectible, Plush
- WHAT'S THIS? APPA HAS BEEN TURNED INTO A 6 INCH MAGNETIC STICKIE!:A world-wide fan favorite character, Appa, looks as cute as ever with a happy smile on his brown face as an adorable little pink... more
CollectiblesPrice: $29.99